Promos Industrial Partner of Pillarstone’s “Retail & Leisure Fund”

Promos is the industrial partner of the “Retail & Leisure Fund” launched by Pillarstone.
The initial endowment of the fund, which invests through the acquisition of receivables from real estate companies, has a countervalue of more than 250 million euro (Gross Book Value) and includes 10 assets (Shopping Centres) located throughout Italy for a total of 200,000 sqm of GLA.

The partnership between Promos and Pillarstone aims, through the fund, to make each asset more sustainable from an ESG perspective and to increase its potential, increasing its value through investments aimed at restyling, expanding the food offer, adding new services, diversifying the signs and consolidation of the retail offer. In particular, Promos will provide the fund with a precise knowledge of the market, thirty years’ experience in retail and an innovative approach to the creation of shopping destinations.
